
267 lines
8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import type Ajv from "../../core"
import type {SchemaObject} from "../../types"
import {jtdForms, JTDForm, SchemaObjectMap} from "./types"
import {SchemaEnv, getCompilingSchema} from ".."
import {_, str, and, getProperty, CodeGen, Code, Name} from "../codegen"
import MissingRefError from "../ref_error"
import N from "../names"
import {isOwnProperty} from "../../vocabularies/code"
import {hasRef} from "../../vocabularies/jtd/ref"
import {useFunc} from "../util"
import quote from "../../runtime/quote"
const genSerialize: {[F in JTDForm]: (cxt: SerializeCxt) => void} = {
elements: serializeElements,
values: serializeValues,
discriminator: serializeDiscriminator,
properties: serializeProperties,
optionalProperties: serializeProperties,
enum: serializeString,
type: serializeType,
ref: serializeRef,
interface SerializeCxt {
readonly gen: CodeGen
readonly self: Ajv // current Ajv instance
readonly schemaEnv: SchemaEnv
readonly definitions: SchemaObjectMap
schema: SchemaObject
data: Code
export default function compileSerializer(
this: Ajv,
sch: SchemaEnv,
definitions: SchemaObjectMap
): SchemaEnv {
const _sch =, sch)
if (_sch) return _sch
const {es5, lines} = this.opts.code
const {ownProperties} = this.opts
const gen = new CodeGen(this.scope, {es5, lines, ownProperties})
const serializeName = gen.scopeName("serialize")
const cxt: SerializeCxt = {
self: this,
schema: sch.schema as SchemaObject,
schemaEnv: sch,
let sourceCode: string | undefined
try {
sch.serializeName = serializeName
gen.func(serializeName,, false, () => {
gen.let(N.json, str``)
const serializeFuncCode = gen.toString()
sourceCode = `${gen.scopeRefs(N.scope)}return ${serializeFuncCode}`
const makeSerialize = new Function(`${N.scope}`, sourceCode)
const serialize: (data: unknown) => string = makeSerialize(this.scope.get())
this.scope.value(serializeName, {ref: serialize})
sch.serialize = serialize
} catch (e) {
if (sourceCode) this.logger.error("Error compiling serializer, function code:", sourceCode)
delete sch.serialize
delete sch.serializeName
throw e
} finally {
return sch
function serializeCode(cxt: SerializeCxt): void {
let form: JTDForm | undefined
for (const key of jtdForms) {
if (key in cxt.schema) {
form = key
serializeNullable(cxt, form ? genSerialize[form] : serializeEmpty)
function serializeNullable(cxt: SerializeCxt, serializeForm: (_cxt: SerializeCxt) => void): void {
const {gen, schema, data} = cxt
if (!schema.nullable) return serializeForm(cxt)
_`${data} === undefined || ${data} === null`,
() => gen.add(N.json, _`"null"`),
() => serializeForm(cxt)
function serializeElements(cxt: SerializeCxt): void {
const {gen, schema, data} = cxt
gen.add(N.json, str`[`)
const first = gen.let("first", true)
gen.forOf("el", data, (el) => {
addComma(cxt, first)
serializeCode({...cxt, schema: schema.elements, data: el})
gen.add(N.json, str`]`)
function serializeValues(cxt: SerializeCxt): void {
const {gen, schema, data} = cxt
gen.add(N.json, str`{`)
const first = gen.let("first", true)
gen.forIn("key", data, (key) => serializeKeyValue(cxt, key, schema.values, first))
gen.add(N.json, str`}`)
function serializeKeyValue(cxt: SerializeCxt, key: Name, schema: SchemaObject, first?: Name): void {
const {gen, data} = cxt
addComma(cxt, first)
serializeString({...cxt, data: key})
gen.add(N.json, str`:`)
const value = gen.const("value", _`${data}${getProperty(key)}`)
serializeCode({...cxt, schema, data: value})
function serializeDiscriminator(cxt: SerializeCxt): void {
const {gen, schema, data} = cxt
const {discriminator} = schema
gen.add(N.json, str`{${JSON.stringify(discriminator)}:`)
const tag = gen.const("tag", _`${data}${getProperty(discriminator)}`)
serializeString({...cxt, data: tag})
for (const tagValue in schema.mapping) {
gen.elseIf(_`${tag} === ${tagValue}`)
const sch = schema.mapping[tagValue]
serializeSchemaProperties({...cxt, schema: sch}, discriminator)
gen.add(N.json, str`}`)
function serializeProperties(cxt: SerializeCxt): void {
const {gen} = cxt
gen.add(N.json, str`{`)
gen.add(N.json, str`}`)
function serializeSchemaProperties(cxt: SerializeCxt, discriminator?: string): void {
const {gen, schema, data} = cxt
const {properties, optionalProperties} = schema
const props = keys(properties)
const optProps = keys(optionalProperties)
const allProps = allProperties(props.concat(optProps))
let first = !discriminator
let firstProp: Name | undefined
for (const key of props) {
if (first) first = false
else gen.add(N.json, str`,`)
serializeProperty(key, properties[key], keyValue(key))
if (first) firstProp = gen.let("first", true)
for (const key of optProps) {
const value = keyValue(key)
gen.if(and(_`${value} !== undefined`, isOwnProperty(gen, data, key)), () => {
addComma(cxt, firstProp)
serializeProperty(key, optionalProperties[key], value)
if (schema.additionalProperties) {
gen.forIn("key", data, (key) =>
gen.if(isAdditional(key, allProps), () => serializeKeyValue(cxt, key, {}, firstProp))
function keys(ps?: SchemaObjectMap): string[] {
return ps ? Object.keys(ps) : []
function allProperties(ps: string[]): string[] {
if (discriminator) ps.push(discriminator)
if (new Set(ps).size !== ps.length) {
throw new Error("JTD: properties/optionalProperties/disciminator overlap")
return ps
function keyValue(key: string): Name {
return gen.const("value", _`${data}${getProperty(key)}`)
function serializeProperty(key: string, propSchema: SchemaObject, value: Name): void {
gen.add(N.json, str`${JSON.stringify(key)}:`)
serializeCode({...cxt, schema: propSchema, data: value})
function isAdditional(key: Name, ps: string[]): Code | true {
return ps.length ? and( => _`${key} !== ${p}`)) : true
function serializeType(cxt: SerializeCxt): void {
const {gen, schema, data} = cxt
switch (schema.type) {
case "boolean":
gen.add(N.json, _`${data} ? "true" : "false"`)
case "string":
case "timestamp":
_`${data} instanceof Date`,
() => gen.add(N.json, _`'"' + ${data}.toISOString() + '"'`),
() => serializeString(cxt)
function serializeString({gen, data}: SerializeCxt): void {
gen.add(N.json, _`${useFunc(gen, quote)}(${data})`)
function serializeNumber({gen, data}: SerializeCxt): void {
gen.add(N.json, _`"" + ${data}`)
function serializeRef(cxt: SerializeCxt): void {
const {gen, self, data, definitions, schema, schemaEnv} = cxt
const {ref} = schema
const refSchema = definitions[ref]
if (!refSchema) throw new MissingRefError(self.opts.uriResolver, "", ref, `No definition ${ref}`)
if (!hasRef(refSchema)) return serializeCode({...cxt, schema: refSchema})
const {root} = schemaEnv
const sch =, new SchemaEnv({schema: refSchema, root}), definitions)
gen.add(N.json, _`${getSerialize(gen, sch)}(${data})`)
function getSerialize(gen: CodeGen, sch: SchemaEnv): Code {
return sch.serialize
? gen.scopeValue("serialize", {ref: sch.serialize})
: _`${gen.scopeValue("wrapper", {ref: sch})}.serialize`
function serializeEmpty({gen, data}: SerializeCxt): void {
gen.add(N.json, _`JSON.stringify(${data})`)
function addComma({gen}: SerializeCxt, first?: Name): void {
if (first) {
() => gen.assign(first, false),
() => gen.add(N.json, str`,`)
} else {
gen.add(N.json, str`,`)