"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const redis_errors_1 = require("redis-errors"); const command_1 = require("../command"); const errors_1 = require("../errors"); const utils_1 = require("../utils"); const DataHandler_1 = require("../DataHandler"); const debug = utils_1.Debug("connection"); function connectHandler(self) { return function () { self.setStatus("connect"); self.resetCommandQueue(); // AUTH command should be processed before any other commands let flushed = false; const { connectionEpoch } = self; if (self.condition.auth) { self.auth(self.condition.auth, function (err) { if (connectionEpoch !== self.connectionEpoch) { return; } if (err) { if (err.message.indexOf("no password is set") !== -1) { console.warn("[WARN] Redis server does not require a password, but a password was supplied."); } else if (err.message.indexOf("without any password configured for the default user") !== -1) { console.warn("[WARN] This Redis server's `default` user does not require a password, but a password was supplied"); } else if (err.message.indexOf("wrong number of arguments for 'auth' command") !== -1) { console.warn(`[ERROR] The server returned "wrong number of arguments for 'auth' command". You are probably passing both username and password to Redis version 5 or below. You should only pass the 'password' option for Redis version 5 and under.`); } else { flushed = true; self.recoverFromFatalError(err, err); } } }); } if (self.condition.select) { self.select(self.condition.select).catch((err) => { // If the node is in cluster mode, select is disallowed. // In this case, reconnect won't help. self.silentEmit("error", err); }); } if (!self.options.enableReadyCheck) { exports.readyHandler(self)(); } /* No need to keep the reference of DataHandler here because we don't need to do the cleanup. `Stream#end()` will remove all listeners for us. */ new DataHandler_1.default(self, { stringNumbers: self.options.stringNumbers, dropBufferSupport: self.options.dropBufferSupport, }); if (self.options.enableReadyCheck) { self._readyCheck(function (err, info) { if (connectionEpoch !== self.connectionEpoch) { return; } if (err) { if (!flushed) { self.recoverFromFatalError(new Error("Ready check failed: " + err.message), err); } } else { self.serverInfo = info; if (self.connector.check(info)) { exports.readyHandler(self)(); } else { self.disconnect(true); } } }); } }; } exports.connectHandler = connectHandler; function abortError(command) { const err = new redis_errors_1.AbortError("Command aborted due to connection close"); err.command = { name: command.name, args: command.args, }; return err; } // If a contiguous set of pipeline commands starts from index zero then they // can be safely reattempted. If however we have a chain of pipelined commands // starting at index 1 or more it means we received a partial response before // the connection close and those pipelined commands must be aborted. For // example, if the queue looks like this: [2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2] then after // aborting and purging we'll have a queue that looks like this: [0, 1, 2] function abortIncompletePipelines(commandQueue) { let expectedIndex = 0; for (let i = 0; i < commandQueue.length;) { const command = commandQueue.peekAt(i).command; const pipelineIndex = command.pipelineIndex; if (pipelineIndex === undefined || pipelineIndex === 0) { expectedIndex = 0; } if (pipelineIndex !== undefined && pipelineIndex !== expectedIndex++) { commandQueue.remove(i, 1); command.reject(abortError(command)); continue; } i++; } } // If only a partial transaction result was received before connection close, // we have to abort any transaction fragments that may have ended up in the // offline queue function abortTransactionFragments(commandQueue) { for (let i = 0; i < commandQueue.length;) { const command = commandQueue.peekAt(i).command; if (command.name === "multi") { break; } if (command.name === "exec") { commandQueue.remove(i, 1); command.reject(abortError(command)); break; } if (command.inTransaction) { commandQueue.remove(i, 1); command.reject(abortError(command)); } else { i++; } } } function closeHandler(self) { return function () { self.setStatus("close"); if (!self.prevCondition) { self.prevCondition = self.condition; } if (self.commandQueue.length) { abortIncompletePipelines(self.commandQueue); self.prevCommandQueue = self.commandQueue; } if (self.offlineQueue.length) { abortTransactionFragments(self.offlineQueue); } self.clearAddedScriptHashesCleanInterval(); if (self.manuallyClosing) { self.manuallyClosing = false; debug("skip reconnecting since the connection is manually closed."); return close(); } if (typeof self.options.retryStrategy !== "function") { debug("skip reconnecting because `retryStrategy` is not a function"); return close(); } const retryDelay = self.options.retryStrategy(++self.retryAttempts); if (typeof retryDelay !== "number") { debug("skip reconnecting because `retryStrategy` doesn't return a number"); return close(); } debug("reconnect in %sms", retryDelay); self.setStatus("reconnecting", retryDelay); self.reconnectTimeout = setTimeout(function () { self.reconnectTimeout = null; self.connect().catch(utils_1.noop); }, retryDelay); const { maxRetriesPerRequest } = self.options; if (typeof maxRetriesPerRequest === "number") { if (maxRetriesPerRequest < 0) { debug("maxRetriesPerRequest is negative, ignoring..."); } else { const remainder = self.retryAttempts % (maxRetriesPerRequest + 1); if (remainder === 0) { debug("reach maxRetriesPerRequest limitation, flushing command queue..."); self.flushQueue(new errors_1.MaxRetriesPerRequestError(maxRetriesPerRequest)); } } } }; function close() { self.setStatus("end"); self.flushQueue(new Error(utils_1.CONNECTION_CLOSED_ERROR_MSG)); } } exports.closeHandler = closeHandler; function errorHandler(self) { return function (error) { debug("error: %s", error); self.silentEmit("error", error); }; } exports.errorHandler = errorHandler; function readyHandler(self) { return function () { self.setStatus("ready"); self.retryAttempts = 0; if (self.options.monitor) { self.call("monitor"); const { sendCommand } = self; self.sendCommand = function (command) { if (command_1.default.checkFlag("VALID_IN_MONITOR_MODE", command.name)) { return sendCommand.call(self, command); } command.reject(new Error("Connection is in monitoring mode, can't process commands.")); return command.promise; }; self.once("close", function () { delete self.sendCommand; }); self.setStatus("monitoring"); return; } const finalSelect = self.prevCondition ? self.prevCondition.select : self.condition.select; if (self.options.connectionName) { debug("set the connection name [%s]", self.options.connectionName); self.client("setname", self.options.connectionName).catch(utils_1.noop); } if (self.options.readOnly) { debug("set the connection to readonly mode"); self.readonly().catch(utils_1.noop); } if (self.prevCondition) { const condition = self.prevCondition; self.prevCondition = null; if (condition.subscriber && self.options.autoResubscribe) { // We re-select the previous db first since // `SELECT` command is not valid in sub mode. if (self.condition.select !== finalSelect) { debug("connect to db [%d]", finalSelect); self.select(finalSelect); } const subscribeChannels = condition.subscriber.channels("subscribe"); if (subscribeChannels.length) { debug("subscribe %d channels", subscribeChannels.length); self.subscribe(subscribeChannels); } const psubscribeChannels = condition.subscriber.channels("psubscribe"); if (psubscribeChannels.length) { debug("psubscribe %d channels", psubscribeChannels.length); self.psubscribe(psubscribeChannels); } } } if (self.prevCommandQueue) { if (self.options.autoResendUnfulfilledCommands) { debug("resend %d unfulfilled commands", self.prevCommandQueue.length); while (self.prevCommandQueue.length > 0) { const item = self.prevCommandQueue.shift(); if (item.select !== self.condition.select && item.command.name !== "select") { self.select(item.select); } self.sendCommand(item.command, item.stream); } } else { self.prevCommandQueue = null; } } if (self.offlineQueue.length) { debug("send %d commands in offline queue", self.offlineQueue.length); const offlineQueue = self.offlineQueue; self.resetOfflineQueue(); while (offlineQueue.length > 0) { const item = offlineQueue.shift(); if (item.select !== self.condition.select && item.command.name !== "select") { self.select(item.select); } self.sendCommand(item.command, item.stream); } } if (self.condition.select !== finalSelect) { debug("connect to db [%d]", finalSelect); self.select(finalSelect); } }; } exports.readyHandler = readyHandler;