'use strict'; /** * Custom implementation of a double ended queue. */ function Denque(array, options) { var options = options || {}; this._head = 0; this._tail = 0; this._capacity = options.capacity; this._capacityMask = 0x3; this._list = new Array(4); if (Array.isArray(array)) { this._fromArray(array); } } /** * ------------- * PUBLIC API * ------------- */ /** * Returns the item at the specified index from the list. * 0 is the first element, 1 is the second, and so on... * Elements at negative values are that many from the end: -1 is one before the end * (the last element), -2 is two before the end (one before last), etc. * @param index * @returns {*} */ Denque.prototype.peekAt = function peekAt(index) { var i = index; // expect a number or return undefined if ((i !== (i | 0))) { return void 0; } var len = this.size(); if (i >= len || i < -len) return undefined; if (i < 0) i += len; i = (this._head + i) & this._capacityMask; return this._list[i]; }; /** * Alias for peekAt() * @param i * @returns {*} */ Denque.prototype.get = function get(i) { return this.peekAt(i); }; /** * Returns the first item in the list without removing it. * @returns {*} */ Denque.prototype.peek = function peek() { if (this._head === this._tail) return undefined; return this._list[this._head]; }; /** * Alias for peek() * @returns {*} */ Denque.prototype.peekFront = function peekFront() { return this.peek(); }; /** * Returns the item that is at the back of the queue without removing it. * Uses peekAt(-1) */ Denque.prototype.peekBack = function peekBack() { return this.peekAt(-1); }; /** * Returns the current length of the queue * @return {Number} */ Object.defineProperty(Denque.prototype, 'length', { get: function length() { return this.size(); } }); /** * Return the number of items on the list, or 0 if empty. * @returns {number} */ Denque.prototype.size = function size() { if (this._head === this._tail) return 0; if (this._head < this._tail) return this._tail - this._head; else return this._capacityMask + 1 - (this._head - this._tail); }; /** * Add an item at the beginning of the list. * @param item */ Denque.prototype.unshift = function unshift(item) { if (item === undefined) return this.size(); var len = this._list.length; this._head = (this._head - 1 + len) & this._capacityMask; this._list[this._head] = item; if (this._tail === this._head) this._growArray(); if (this._capacity && this.size() > this._capacity) this.pop(); if (this._head < this._tail) return this._tail - this._head; else return this._capacityMask + 1 - (this._head - this._tail); }; /** * Remove and return the first item on the list, * Returns undefined if the list is empty. * @returns {*} */ Denque.prototype.shift = function shift() { var head = this._head; if (head === this._tail) return undefined; var item = this._list[head]; this._list[head] = undefined; this._head = (head + 1) & this._capacityMask; if (head < 2 && this._tail > 10000 && this._tail <= this._list.length >>> 2) this._shrinkArray(); return item; }; /** * Add an item to the bottom of the list. * @param item */ Denque.prototype.push = function push(item) { if (item === undefined) return this.size(); var tail = this._tail; this._list[tail] = item; this._tail = (tail + 1) & this._capacityMask; if (this._tail === this._head) { this._growArray(); } if (this._capacity && this.size() > this._capacity) { this.shift(); } if (this._head < this._tail) return this._tail - this._head; else return this._capacityMask + 1 - (this._head - this._tail); }; /** * Remove and return the last item on the list. * Returns undefined if the list is empty. * @returns {*} */ Denque.prototype.pop = function pop() { var tail = this._tail; if (tail === this._head) return undefined; var len = this._list.length; this._tail = (tail - 1 + len) & this._capacityMask; var item = this._list[this._tail]; this._list[this._tail] = undefined; if (this._head < 2 && tail > 10000 && tail <= len >>> 2) this._shrinkArray(); return item; }; /** * Remove and return the item at the specified index from the list. * Returns undefined if the list is empty. * @param index * @returns {*} */ Denque.prototype.removeOne = function removeOne(index) { var i = index; // expect a number or return undefined if ((i !== (i | 0))) { return void 0; } if (this._head === this._tail) return void 0; var size = this.size(); var len = this._list.length; if (i >= size || i < -size) return void 0; if (i < 0) i += size; i = (this._head + i) & this._capacityMask; var item = this._list[i]; var k; if (index < size / 2) { for (k = index; k > 0; k--) { this._list[i] = this._list[i = (i - 1 + len) & this._capacityMask]; } this._list[i] = void 0; this._head = (this._head + 1 + len) & this._capacityMask; } else { for (k = size - 1 - index; k > 0; k--) { this._list[i] = this._list[i = ( i + 1 + len) & this._capacityMask]; } this._list[i] = void 0; this._tail = (this._tail - 1 + len) & this._capacityMask; } return item; }; /** * Remove number of items from the specified index from the list. * Returns array of removed items. * Returns undefined if the list is empty. * @param index * @param count * @returns {array} */ Denque.prototype.remove = function remove(index, count) { var i = index; var removed; var del_count = count; // expect a number or return undefined if ((i !== (i | 0))) { return void 0; } if (this._head === this._tail) return void 0; var size = this.size(); var len = this._list.length; if (i >= size || i < -size || count < 1) return void 0; if (i < 0) i += size; if (count === 1 || !count) { removed = new Array(1); removed[0] = this.removeOne(i); return removed; } if (i === 0 && i + count >= size) { removed = this.toArray(); this.clear(); return removed; } if (i + count > size) count = size - i; var k; removed = new Array(count); for (k = 0; k < count; k++) { removed[k] = this._list[(this._head + i + k) & this._capacityMask]; } i = (this._head + i) & this._capacityMask; if (index + count === size) { this._tail = (this._tail - count + len) & this._capacityMask; for (k = count; k > 0; k--) { this._list[i = (i + 1 + len) & this._capacityMask] = void 0; } return removed; } if (index === 0) { this._head = (this._head + count + len) & this._capacityMask; for (k = count - 1; k > 0; k--) { this._list[i = (i + 1 + len) & this._capacityMask] = void 0; } return removed; } if (i < size / 2) { this._head = (this._head + index + count + len) & this._capacityMask; for (k = index; k > 0; k--) { this.unshift(this._list[i = (i - 1 + len) & this._capacityMask]); } i = (this._head - 1 + len) & this._capacityMask; while (del_count > 0) { this._list[i = (i - 1 + len) & this._capacityMask] = void 0; del_count--; } if (index < 0) this._tail = i; } else { this._tail = i; i = (i + count + len) & this._capacityMask; for (k = size - (count + index); k > 0; k--) { this.push(this._list[i++]); } i = this._tail; while (del_count > 0) { this._list[i = (i + 1 + len) & this._capacityMask] = void 0; del_count--; } } if (this._head < 2 && this._tail > 10000 && this._tail <= len >>> 2) this._shrinkArray(); return removed; }; /** * Native splice implementation. * Remove number of items from the specified index from the list and/or add new elements. * Returns array of removed items or empty array if count == 0. * Returns undefined if the list is empty. * * @param index * @param count * @param {...*} [elements] * @returns {array} */ Denque.prototype.splice = function splice(index, count) { var i = index; // expect a number or return undefined if ((i !== (i | 0))) { return void 0; } var size = this.size(); if (i < 0) i += size; if (i > size) return void 0; if (arguments.length > 2) { var k; var temp; var removed; var arg_len = arguments.length; var len = this._list.length; var arguments_index = 2; if (!size || i < size / 2) { temp = new Array(i); for (k = 0; k < i; k++) { temp[k] = this._list[(this._head + k) & this._capacityMask]; } if (count === 0) { removed = []; if (i > 0) { this._head = (this._head + i + len) & this._capacityMask; } } else { removed = this.remove(i, count); this._head = (this._head + i + len) & this._capacityMask; } while (arg_len > arguments_index) { this.unshift(arguments[--arg_len]); } for (k = i; k > 0; k--) { this.unshift(temp[k - 1]); } } else { temp = new Array(size - (i + count)); var leng = temp.length; for (k = 0; k < leng; k++) { temp[k] = this._list[(this._head + i + count + k) & this._capacityMask]; } if (count === 0) { removed = []; if (i != size) { this._tail = (this._head + i + len) & this._capacityMask; } } else { removed = this.remove(i, count); this._tail = (this._tail - leng + len) & this._capacityMask; } while (arguments_index < arg_len) { this.push(arguments[arguments_index++]); } for (k = 0; k < leng; k++) { this.push(temp[k]); } } return removed; } else { return this.remove(i, count); } }; /** * Soft clear - does not reset capacity. */ Denque.prototype.clear = function clear() { this._head = 0; this._tail = 0; }; /** * Returns true or false whether the list is empty. * @returns {boolean} */ Denque.prototype.isEmpty = function isEmpty() { return this._head === this._tail; }; /** * Returns an array of all queue items. * @returns {Array} */ Denque.prototype.toArray = function toArray() { return this._copyArray(false); }; /** * ------------- * INTERNALS * ------------- */ /** * Fills the queue with items from an array * For use in the constructor * @param array * @private */ Denque.prototype._fromArray = function _fromArray(array) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) this.push(array[i]); }; /** * * @param fullCopy * @returns {Array} * @private */ Denque.prototype._copyArray = function _copyArray(fullCopy) { var newArray = []; var list = this._list; var len = list.length; var i; if (fullCopy || this._head > this._tail) { for (i = this._head; i < len; i++) newArray.push(list[i]); for (i = 0; i < this._tail; i++) newArray.push(list[i]); } else { for (i = this._head; i < this._tail; i++) newArray.push(list[i]); } return newArray; }; /** * Grows the internal list array. * @private */ Denque.prototype._growArray = function _growArray() { if (this._head) { // copy existing data, head to end, then beginning to tail. this._list = this._copyArray(true); this._head = 0; } // head is at 0 and array is now full, safe to extend this._tail = this._list.length; this._list.length <<= 1; this._capacityMask = (this._capacityMask << 1) | 1; }; /** * Shrinks the internal list array. * @private */ Denque.prototype._shrinkArray = function _shrinkArray() { this._list.length >>>= 1; this._capacityMask >>>= 1; }; module.exports = Denque;