var test = require('tap').test var LRU = require('../') test('basic', function (t) { var cache = new LRU({max: 10}) cache.set('key', 'value') t.equal(cache.get('key'), 'value') t.equal(cache.get('nada'), undefined) t.equal(cache.length, 1) t.equal(cache.max, 10) t.end() }) test('least recently set', function (t) { var cache = new LRU(2) cache.set('a', 'A') cache.set('b', 'B') cache.set('c', 'C') t.equal(cache.get('c'), 'C') t.equal(cache.get('b'), 'B') t.equal(cache.get('a'), undefined) t.end() }) test('lru recently gotten', function (t) { var cache = new LRU(2) cache.set('a', 'A') cache.set('b', 'B') cache.get('a') cache.set('c', 'C') t.equal(cache.get('c'), 'C') t.equal(cache.get('b'), undefined) t.equal(cache.get('a'), 'A') t.end() }) test('del', function (t) { var cache = new LRU(2) cache.set('a', 'A') cache.del('a') t.equal(cache.get('a'), undefined) t.end() }) test('max', function (t) { var cache = new LRU(3) // test changing the max, verify that the LRU items get dropped. cache.max = 100 var i for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) cache.set(i, i) t.equal(cache.length, 100) for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { t.equal(cache.get(i), i) } cache.max = 3 t.equal(cache.length, 3) for (i = 0; i < 97; i++) { t.equal(cache.get(i), undefined) } for (i = 98; i < 100; i++) { t.equal(cache.get(i), i) } // now remove the max restriction, and try again. cache.max = 'hello' for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) cache.set(i, i) t.equal(cache.length, 100) for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { t.equal(cache.get(i), i) } // should trigger an immediate resize cache.max = 3 t.equal(cache.length, 3) for (i = 0; i < 97; i++) { t.equal(cache.get(i), undefined) } for (i = 98; i < 100; i++) { t.equal(cache.get(i), i) } t.end() }) test('reset', function (t) { var cache = new LRU(10) cache.set('a', 'A') cache.set('b', 'B') cache.reset() t.equal(cache.length, 0) t.equal(cache.max, 10) t.equal(cache.get('a'), undefined) t.equal(cache.get('b'), undefined) t.end() }) test('basic with weighed length', function (t) { var cache = new LRU({ max: 100, length: function (item, key) { t.isa(key, 'string') return item.size } }) cache.set('key', {val: 'value', size: 50}) t.equal(cache.get('key').val, 'value') t.equal(cache.get('nada'), undefined) t.equal(cache.lengthCalculator(cache.get('key'), 'key'), 50) t.equal(cache.length, 50) t.equal(cache.max, 100) t.end() }) test('weighed length item too large', function (t) { var cache = new LRU({ max: 10, length: function (item) { return item.size } }) t.equal(cache.max, 10) // should fall out immediately cache.set('key', {val: 'value', size: 50}) t.equal(cache.length, 0) t.equal(cache.get('key'), undefined) t.end() }) test('least recently set with weighed length', function (t) { var cache = new LRU({ max: 8, length: function (item) { return item.length } }) cache.set('a', 'A') cache.set('b', 'BB') cache.set('c', 'CCC') cache.set('d', 'DDDD') t.equal(cache.get('d'), 'DDDD') t.equal(cache.get('c'), 'CCC') t.equal(cache.get('b'), undefined) t.equal(cache.get('a'), undefined) t.end() }) test('lru recently gotten with weighed length', function (t) { var cache = new LRU({ max: 8, length: function (item) { return item.length } }) cache.set('a', 'A') cache.set('b', 'BB') cache.set('c', 'CCC') cache.get('a') cache.get('b') cache.set('d', 'DDDD') t.equal(cache.get('c'), undefined) t.equal(cache.get('d'), 'DDDD') t.equal(cache.get('b'), 'BB') t.equal(cache.get('a'), 'A') t.end() }) test('lru recently updated with weighed length', function (t) { var cache = new LRU({ max: 8, length: function (item) { return item.length } }) cache.set('a', 'A') cache.set('b', 'BB') cache.set('c', 'CCC') t.equal(cache.length, 6) // CCC BB A cache.set('a', '+A') t.equal(cache.length, 7) // +A CCC BB cache.set('b', '++BB') t.equal(cache.length, 6) // ++BB +A t.equal(cache.get('c'), undefined) cache.set('c', 'oversized') t.equal(cache.length, 6) // ++BB +A t.equal(cache.get('c'), undefined) cache.set('a', 'oversized') t.equal(cache.length, 4) // ++BB t.equal(cache.get('a'), undefined) t.equal(cache.get('b'), '++BB') t.end() }) test('set returns proper booleans', function (t) { var cache = new LRU({ max: 5, length: function (item) { return item.length } }) t.equal(cache.set('a', 'A'), true) // should return false for max exceeded t.equal(cache.set('b', 'donuts'), false) t.equal(cache.set('b', 'B'), true) t.equal(cache.set('c', 'CCCC'), true) t.end() }) test('drop the old items', function (t) { var cache = new LRU({ max: 5, maxAge: 50 }) cache.set('a', 'A') setTimeout(function () { cache.set('b', 'b') t.equal(cache.get('a'), 'A') }, 25) setTimeout(function () { cache.set('c', 'C') // timed out t.notOk(cache.get('a')) }, 60 + 25) setTimeout(function () { t.notOk(cache.get('b')) t.equal(cache.get('c'), 'C') }, 90) setTimeout(function () { t.notOk(cache.get('c')) t.end() }, 155) }) test('manual pruning', function (t) { var cache = new LRU({ max: 5, maxAge: 50 }) cache.set('a', 'A') cache.set('b', 'b') cache.set('c', 'C') setTimeout(function () { cache.prune() t.notOk(cache.get('a')) t.notOk(cache.get('b')) t.notOk(cache.get('c')) t.end() }, 100) }) test('individual item can have its own maxAge', function (t) { var cache = new LRU({ max: 5, maxAge: 50 }) cache.set('a', 'A', 20) setTimeout(function () { t.notOk(cache.get('a')) t.end() }, 25) }) test('individual item can have its own maxAge > cache', function (t) { var cache = new LRU({ max: 5, maxAge: 20 }) cache.set('a', 'A', 50) setTimeout(function () { t.equal(cache.get('a'), 'A') t.end() }, 25) }) test('disposal function', function (t) { var disposed = false var cache = new LRU({ max: 1, dispose: function (k, n) { disposed = n } }) cache.set(1, 1) cache.set(2, 2) t.equal(disposed, 1) cache.set(2, 10) t.equal(disposed, 2) cache.set(3, 3) t.equal(disposed, 10) cache.reset() t.equal(disposed, 3) t.end() }) test('disposal function on too big of item', function (t) { var disposed = false var cache = new LRU({ max: 1, length: function (k) { return k.length }, dispose: function (k, n) { disposed = n } }) var obj = [ 1, 2 ] t.equal(disposed, false) cache.set('obj', obj) t.equal(disposed, obj) t.end() }) test('has()', function (t) { var cache = new LRU({ max: 1, maxAge: 10 }) cache.set('foo', 'bar') t.equal(cache.has('foo'), true) cache.set('blu', 'baz') t.equal(cache.has('foo'), false) t.equal(cache.has('blu'), true) setTimeout(function () { t.equal(cache.has('blu'), false) t.end() }, 15) }) test('stale', function (t) { var cache = new LRU({ maxAge: 10, stale: true }) t.equal(cache.allowStale, true) cache.set('foo', 'bar') t.equal(cache.get('foo'), 'bar') t.equal(cache.has('foo'), true) setTimeout(function () { t.equal(cache.has('foo'), false) t.equal(cache.get('foo'), 'bar') t.equal(cache.get('foo'), undefined) t.end() }, 15) }) test('lru update via set', function (t) { var cache = LRU({ max: 2 }) cache.set('foo', 1) cache.set('bar', 2) cache.del('bar') cache.set('baz', 3) cache.set('qux', 4) t.equal(cache.get('foo'), undefined) t.equal(cache.get('bar'), undefined) t.equal(cache.get('baz'), 3) t.equal(cache.get('qux'), 4) t.end() }) test('least recently set w/ peek', function (t) { var cache = new LRU(2) cache.set('a', 'A') cache.set('b', 'B') t.equal(cache.peek('a'), 'A') cache.set('c', 'C') t.equal(cache.get('c'), 'C') t.equal(cache.get('b'), 'B') t.equal(cache.get('a'), undefined) t.end() }) test('pop the least used item', function (t) { var cache = new LRU(3) var last cache.set('a', 'A') cache.set('b', 'B') cache.set('c', 'C') t.equal(cache.length, 3) t.equal(cache.max, 3) // Ensure we pop a, c, b cache.get('b', 'B') last = cache.pop() t.equal(last.key, 'a') t.equal(last.value, 'A') t.equal(cache.length, 2) t.equal(cache.max, 3) last = cache.pop() t.equal(last.key, 'c') t.equal(last.value, 'C') t.equal(cache.length, 1) t.equal(cache.max, 3) last = cache.pop() t.equal(last.key, 'b') t.equal(last.value, 'B') t.equal(cache.length, 0) t.equal(cache.max, 3) last = cache.pop() t.equal(last, null) t.equal(cache.length, 0) t.equal(cache.max, 3) t.end() }) test('get and set only accepts strings and numbers as keys', function (t) { var cache = new LRU() cache.set('key', 'value') cache.set(123, 456) t.equal(cache.get('key'), 'value') t.equal(cache.get(123), 456) t.end() }) test('peek with wierd keys', function (t) { var cache = new LRU() cache.set('key', 'value') cache.set(123, 456) t.equal(cache.peek('key'), 'value') t.equal(cache.peek(123), 456) t.equal(cache.peek({ toString: function () { return 'key' } }), undefined) t.end() }) test('invalid length calc results in basic length', function (t) { var l = new LRU({ length: true }) t.isa(l.lengthCalculator, 'function') l.lengthCalculator = 'not a function' t.isa(l.lengthCalculator, 'function') t.end() }) test('change length calculator recalculates', function (t) { var l = new LRU({ max: 3 }) l.set(2, 2) l.set(1, 1) l.lengthCalculator = function (key, val) { return key + val } t.equal(l.itemCount, 1) t.equal(l.get(2), undefined) t.equal(l.get(1), 1) l.set(0, 1) t.equal(l.itemCount, 2) l.lengthCalculator = function (key, val) { return key } t.equal(l.lengthCalculator(1, 10), 1) t.equal(l.lengthCalculator(10, 1), 10) l.lengthCalculator = { not: 'a function' } t.equal(l.lengthCalculator(1, 10), 1) t.equal(l.lengthCalculator(10, 1), 1) t.end() }) test('delete non-existent item has no effect', function (t) { var l = new LRU({ max: 2 }) l.set('foo', 1) l.set('bar', 2) l.del('baz') t.same(l.dumpLru().toArray().map(function (hit) { return hit.key }), [ 'bar', 'foo' ]) t.end() }) test('maxAge on list, cleared in forEach', function (t) { var l = new LRU({ stale: true }) l.set('foo', 1) // hacky. make it seem older. l.dumpLru() = - 100000 // setting maxAge to invalid values does nothing. t.equal(l.maxAge, 0) l.maxAge = -100 t.equal(l.maxAge, 0) l.maxAge = {} t.equal(l.maxAge, 0) l.maxAge = 1 var saw = false l.forEach(function (val, key) { saw = true t.equal(key, 'foo') }) t.ok(saw) t.equal(l.length, 0) t.end() })