Markus Rettig 775ac7b58c completed step 3 from the tutorial
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2024-02-08 16:13:36 +01:00

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import type {AnySchema, SchemaMap} from "../types"
import type {SchemaCxt} from "../compile"
import type {KeywordCxt} from "../compile/validate"
import {CodeGen, _, and, or, not, nil, strConcat, getProperty, Code, Name} from "../compile/codegen"
import {alwaysValidSchema, Type} from "../compile/util"
import N from "../compile/names"
import {useFunc} from "../compile/util"
export function checkReportMissingProp(cxt: KeywordCxt, prop: string): void {
const {gen, data, it} = cxt
gen.if(noPropertyInData(gen, data, prop, it.opts.ownProperties), () => {
cxt.setParams({missingProperty: _`${prop}`}, true)
export function checkMissingProp(
{gen, data, it: {opts}}: KeywordCxt,
properties: string[],
missing: Name
): Code {
return or( =>
and(noPropertyInData(gen, data, prop, opts.ownProperties), _`${missing} = ${prop}`)
export function reportMissingProp(cxt: KeywordCxt, missing: Name): void {
cxt.setParams({missingProperty: missing}, true)
export function hasPropFunc(gen: CodeGen): Name {
return gen.scopeValue("func", {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/unbound-method
ref: Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
code: _`Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty`,
export function isOwnProperty(gen: CodeGen, data: Name, property: Name | string): Code {
return _`${hasPropFunc(gen)}.call(${data}, ${property})`
export function propertyInData(
gen: CodeGen,
data: Name,
property: Name | string,
ownProperties?: boolean
): Code {
const cond = _`${data}${getProperty(property)} !== undefined`
return ownProperties ? _`${cond} && ${isOwnProperty(gen, data, property)}` : cond
export function noPropertyInData(
gen: CodeGen,
data: Name,
property: Name | string,
ownProperties?: boolean
): Code {
const cond = _`${data}${getProperty(property)} === undefined`
return ownProperties ? or(cond, not(isOwnProperty(gen, data, property))) : cond
export function allSchemaProperties(schemaMap?: SchemaMap): string[] {
return schemaMap ? Object.keys(schemaMap).filter((p) => p !== "__proto__") : []
export function schemaProperties(it: SchemaCxt, schemaMap: SchemaMap): string[] {
return allSchemaProperties(schemaMap).filter(
(p) => !alwaysValidSchema(it, schemaMap[p] as AnySchema)
export function callValidateCode(
{schemaCode, data, it: {gen, topSchemaRef, schemaPath, errorPath}, it}: KeywordCxt,
func: Code,
context: Code,
passSchema?: boolean
): Code {
const dataAndSchema = passSchema ? _`${schemaCode}, ${data}, ${topSchemaRef}${schemaPath}` : data
const valCxt: [Name, Code | number][] = [
[N.instancePath, strConcat(N.instancePath, errorPath)],
[N.parentData, it.parentData],
[N.parentDataProperty, it.parentDataProperty],
[N.rootData, N.rootData],
if (it.opts.dynamicRef) valCxt.push([N.dynamicAnchors, N.dynamicAnchors])
const args = _`${dataAndSchema}, ${gen.object(...valCxt)}`
return context !== nil ? _`${func}.call(${context}, ${args})` : _`${func}(${args})`
const newRegExp = _`new RegExp`
export function usePattern({gen, it: {opts}}: KeywordCxt, pattern: string): Name {
const u = opts.unicodeRegExp ? "u" : ""
const {regExp} = opts.code
const rx = regExp(pattern, u)
return gen.scopeValue("pattern", {
key: rx.toString(),
ref: rx,
code: _`${regExp.code === "new RegExp" ? newRegExp : useFunc(gen, regExp)}(${pattern}, ${u})`,
export function validateArray(cxt: KeywordCxt): Name {
const {gen, data, keyword, it} = cxt
const valid ="valid")
if (it.allErrors) {
const validArr = gen.let("valid", true)
validateItems(() => gen.assign(validArr, false))
return validArr
gen.var(valid, true)
validateItems(() => gen.break())
return valid
function validateItems(notValid: () => void): void {
const len = gen.const("len", _`${data}.length`)
gen.forRange("i", 0, len, (i) => {
dataProp: i,
dataPropType: Type.Num,
gen.if(not(valid), notValid)
export function validateUnion(cxt: KeywordCxt): void {
const {gen, schema, keyword, it} = cxt
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (!Array.isArray(schema)) throw new Error("ajv implementation error")
const alwaysValid = schema.some((sch: AnySchema) => alwaysValidSchema(it, sch))
if (alwaysValid && !it.opts.unevaluated) return
const valid = gen.let("valid", false)
const schValid ="_valid")
gen.block(() =>
schema.forEach((_sch: AnySchema, i: number) => {
const schCxt = cxt.subschema(
schemaProp: i,
compositeRule: true,
gen.assign(valid, _`${valid} || ${schValid}`)
const merged = cxt.mergeValidEvaluated(schCxt, schValid)
// can short-circuit if `unevaluatedProperties/Items` not supported (opts.unevaluated !== true)
// or if all properties and items were evaluated (it.props === true && it.items === true)
if (!merged) gen.if(not(valid))
() => cxt.reset(),
() => cxt.error(true)