Markus Rettig 775ac7b58c completed step 3 from the tutorial
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2024-02-08 16:13:36 +01:00

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"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const scope_1 = require("../compile/codegen/scope");
const code_1 = require("../compile/codegen/code");
function standaloneCode(ajv, refsOrFunc) {
if (!ajv.opts.code.source) {
throw new Error("moduleCode: ajv instance must have code.source option");
const { _n } = ajv.scope.opts;
return typeof refsOrFunc == "function"
? funcExportCode(refsOrFunc.source)
: refsOrFunc !== undefined
? multiExportsCode(refsOrFunc, getValidate)
: multiExportsCode(ajv.schemas, (sch) => sch.meta ? undefined : ajv.compile(sch.schema));
function getValidate(id) {
const v = ajv.getSchema(id);
if (!v)
throw new Error(`moduleCode: no schema with id ${id}`);
return v;
function funcExportCode(source) {
const usedValues = {};
const n = source === null || source === void 0 ? void 0 : source.validateName;
const vCode = validateCode(usedValues, source);
if (ajv.opts.code.esm) {
// Always do named export as `validate` rather than the variable `n` which is `validateXX` for known export value
return `"use strict";${_n}export const validate = ${n};${_n}export default ${n};${_n}${vCode}`;
return `"use strict";${_n}module.exports = ${n};${_n}module.exports.default = ${n};${_n}${vCode}`;
function multiExportsCode(schemas, getValidateFunc) {
var _a;
const usedValues = {};
let code = (0, code_1._) `"use strict";`;
for (const name in schemas) {
const v = getValidateFunc(schemas[name]);
if (v) {
const vCode = validateCode(usedValues, v.source);
const exportSyntax = ajv.opts.code.esm
? (0, code_1._) `export const ${(0, code_1.getEsmExportName)(name)}`
: (0, code_1._) `exports${(0, code_1.getProperty)(name)}`;
code = (0, code_1._) `${code}${_n}${exportSyntax} = ${(_a = v.source) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.validateName};${_n}${vCode}`;
return `${code}`;
function validateCode(usedValues, s) {
if (!s)
throw new Error('moduleCode: function does not have "source" property');
if (usedState(s.validateName) === scope_1.UsedValueState.Completed)
return code_1.nil;
setUsedState(s.validateName, scope_1.UsedValueState.Started);
const scopeCode = ajv.scope.scopeCode(s.scopeValues, usedValues, refValidateCode);
const code = new code_1._Code(`${scopeCode}${_n}${s.validateCode}`);
return s.evaluated ? (0, code_1._) `${code}${s.validateName}.evaluated = ${s.evaluated};${_n}` : code;
function refValidateCode(n) {
var _a;
const vRef = (_a = n.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.ref;
if (n.prefix === "validate" && typeof vRef == "function") {
const v = vRef;
return validateCode(usedValues, v.source);
else if ((n.prefix === "root" || n.prefix === "wrapper") && typeof vRef == "object") {
const { validate, validateName } = vRef;
if (!validateName)
throw new Error("ajv internal error");
const def = ajv.opts.code.es5 ? scope_1.varKinds.var : scope_1.varKinds.const;
const wrapper = (0, code_1._) `${def} ${n} = {validate: ${validateName}};`;
if (usedState(validateName) === scope_1.UsedValueState.Started)
return wrapper;
const vCode = validateCode(usedValues, validate === null || validate === void 0 ? void 0 : validate.source);
return (0, code_1._) `${wrapper}${_n}${vCode}`;
return undefined;
function usedState(name) {
var _a;
return (_a = usedValues[name.prefix]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.get(name);
function setUsedState(name, state) {
const { prefix } = name;
const names = (usedValues[prefix] = usedValues[prefix] || new Map());
names.set(name, state);
module.exports = exports = standaloneCode;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.default = standaloneCode;