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2024-02-08 16:13:36 +01:00

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# URI.js #
* [About](
* [Understanding URIs](
* [Documentation](
* [jQuery URI Plugin](
* [Author](
* [Changelog](./
> **IMPORTANT:** You **may not need URI.js** anymore! Modern browsers provide the [URL]( and [URLSearchParams]( interfaces.
> **NOTE:** The npm package name changed to `urijs`
I always want to shoot myself in the head when looking at code like the following:
var url = "";
var separator = url.indexOf('?') > -1 ? '&' : '?';
url += separator + encodeURIComponent("foo") + "=" + encodeURIComponent("bar");
Things are looking up with [URL]( and the [URL spec]( but until we can safely rely on that API, have a look at URI.js for a clean and simple API for mutating URIs:
var url = new URI("");
url.addQuery("foo", "bar");
URI.js is here to help with that.
## API Example ##
// mutating URLs
// ->
// ->
// ->
// ->
// ->
// ->
.query({ foo: "bar", hello: ["world", "mars"] });
// ->
// cleaning things up
// -> ?foo=bar&foo=baz
// working with relative paths
// -> ./baz.html
// -> ../baz.html
// -> /foo/bar/baz.html
// URI Templates
URI.expand("/foo/{dir}/{file}", {
dir: "bar",
file: "world.html"
// -> /foo/bar/world.html
See the [About Page]( and [API Docs]( for more stuff.
## Using URI.js ##
URI.js (without plugins) has a gzipped weight of about 7KB - if you include all extensions you end up at about 13KB. So unless you *need* second level domain support and use URI templates, we suggest you don't include them in your build. If you don't need a full featured URI mangler, it may be worth looking into the much smaller parser-only alternatives [listed below](#alternatives).
URI.js is available through [npm](, [bower](, [bowercdn](, [cdnjs]( and manually from the [build page](
# using bower
bower install uri.js
# using npm
npm install urijs
### Browser ###
I guess you'll manage to use the [build tool]( or follow the [instructions below](#minify) to combine and minify the various files into URI.min.js - and I'm fairly certain you know how to `<script src=".../URI.min.js"></script>` that sucker, too.
### Node.js and NPM ###
Install with `npm install urijs` or add `"urijs"` to the dependencies in your `package.json`.
// load URI.js
var URI = require('urijs');
// load an optional module (e.g. URITemplate)
var URITemplate = require('urijs/src/URITemplate');
// -> ../baz.html
### RequireJS ###
Clone the URI.js repository or use a package manager to get URI.js into your project.
paths: {
urijs: 'where-you-put-uri.js/src'
require(['urijs/URI'], function(URI) {
console.log("URI.js and dependencies: ", URI("//").is('sld') ? 'loaded' : 'failed');
require(['urijs/URITemplate'], function(URITemplate) {
console.log("URITemplate.js and dependencies: ", URITemplate._cache ? 'loaded' : 'failed');
## Minify ##
See the [build tool]( or use [Google Closure Compiler](
// ==ClosureCompiler==
// @compilation_level SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS
// @output_file_name URI.min.js
// @code_url
// @code_url
// @code_url
// @code_url
// @code_url
// ==/ClosureCompiler==
## Resources ##
Documents specifying how URLs work:
* [URL - Living Standard](
* [RFC 3986 - Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax](
* [RFC 3987 - Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRI)](
* [RFC 2732 - Format for Literal IPv6 Addresses in URL's](
* [RFC 2368 - The `mailto:` URL Scheme](
* [RFC 2141 - URN Syntax](
* [IANA URN Namespace Registry](
* [Punycode: A Bootstring encoding of Unicode for Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)](
* [application/x-www-form-urlencoded]( (Query String Parameters) and [application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding algorithm](
* [What every web developer must know about URL encoding](
Informal stuff
* [Parsing URLs for Fun and Profit](
* [Naming URL components](
How other environments do things
* [Java URI Class](
* [Java Inet6Address Class](
* [Node.js URL API](
[Discussion on Hacker News](
### Forks / Code-borrow ###
* [node-dom-urls]( passy's partial implementation of the W3C URL Spec Draft for Node
* [urlutils]( cofounders' `window.URL` constructor for Node
### Alternatives ###
If you don't like URI.js, you may like one of the following libraries. (If yours is not listed, drop me a line…)
#### Polyfill ####
* [DOM-URL-Polyfill]( arv's polyfill of the [DOM URL spec]( for browsers
* [inexorabletash]( inexorabletash's [WHATWG URL API](
#### URL Manipulation ####
* [The simple <a> URL Mutation "Hack"]( ([jsPerf comparison](
* [URL.js](
* [furl (Python)](
* [mediawiki Uri]( (needs mw and jQuery)
* [jurlp](
* [jsUri](
#### URL Parsers ####
* [The simple <a> URL Mutation "Hack"]( ([jsPerf comparison](
* [URI Parser](
* [jQuery-URL-Parser](
* [Google Closure Uri](
* [URI.js by Gary Court](
#### URI Template ####
* [uri-template]( (supporting extraction as well) by Rezigne
* [uri-templates]( (supporting extraction as well) by Geraint Luff
* [uri-templates]( by Marc Portier
* [uri-templates]( by Geraint Luff (including reverse operation)
* [URI Template JS]( by Franz Antesberger
* [Temple]( by Brett Stimmerman
* ([jsperf comparison](
#### Various ####
* [TLD.js]( - second level domain names
* [Public Suffix]( - second level domain names
* [uri-collection]( - underscore based utility for working with many URIs
## Authors ##
* [Rodney Rehm](
* [Various Contributors](
## Contains Code From ##
* [punycode.js]( - Mathias Bynens
* [IPv6.js]( - Rich Brown - (rewrite of the original)
## License ##
URI.js is published under the [MIT license]( Until version 1.13.2 URI.js was also published under the [GPL v3]( license - but as this dual-licensing causes more questions than helps anyone, it was dropped with version 1.14.0.
## Changelog ##
moved to [Changelog](./